4 ways to feel good at home (without spending a thing)

Feeling cooped up at home?

Here are 4 ways to bring in some fresh energy to your house--to help reset the day and bring in a lighter vibe in these uncertain times.


1: The Flush

Harness the wind for this one. Throw open your doors and windows!

Harness the wind for this one.  Just throw open your doors and windows--just for a minute--to get the feeling of air moving through your space.  And let the wind take away all that old, yucky energy and bring in a sense of lightness and ease!

For smaller homes, open one door/window from each room to get some air circulating (again, just for a minute or two—you don’t have to freeze!).  For larger houses, think about tackling this in zone—bedrooms/bathrooms zone, living zone, etc.  This one is easy and can be used at the beginning or end of each day to flush out the old and bring in some fresh energy.


2: Essential Oils

Bring in a fresh scent.

Make a quick spray bottle with a new fresh scent to clean your home.  Just use 1/4 cup white vinegar, 1 3/4 cups water, and 30 drops of an essential oil.  Try a scent that’s new—and evokes a good feeling.  Good options for essential oil are lavender, lemon, eucalyptus, peppermint, wild orange, or grapefruit.  Feel free to mix and match (10 drops each of 3 fragrances, or 15 each of 2).  While this won’t sanitize your surfaces, our sense of smell is a powerful tool and can be key in triggering a feeling of freshness, cleanliness, or calm.

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3: Earthing

Get your bare feet on the ground, or on your ground floor.

Ideally, earthing is done by standing—bare-footed—on the ground.  If you can get away with doing this for a minute or two, it can be incredibly powerful in calming your nervous system and boosting your immune system.  If it’s just too cold (I get it, I hate cold feet), try this at home.  Ideally, stand bare footed on your ground floor and imagine your feet driving energy down through your support beams or crawl space, and into the earth below you.  Just a few minutes of intentional breathing while doing this can help your nervous system a lot!

4: Smudging

Get unstuck by shifting what’s lingering in the corners.

If you're feeling stuck, smudging is a great way to clear the energy, which can often get caught in the corners of our rooms.  By using smoke, you can drive the old, grumpy energy from the corners and help lighten the mood.  Smudging is traditionally done with dried plants—sage, sweetgrass, cedar, etc.  But you can use a candle—anything that produces a little smoke.  Carefully walk it around the perimeter of each room in your home, being intentional about getting the into each corner or any spot where energy can get “stuck.”  Think or speak your intentions— what you want to purge from your space, and what you are making space to allow into your home.

This is a great ceremony to use in conjunction with “the flush,” though you do not need to smudge on a daily basis. Smudge your home first—getting things unstuck from the corners—then flush your house to remove it all.

I hope one of these suggestions resonate with you, and helps to keep you feeling safe and secure in your home!