Entryway: The Approach

Below is the first in a series of videos about your entryway.

Your entryway(s), including your front door, back door, and garage door, are absolutely CRITICAL in creating and designing a home you love.

Your entryways are THE transition from the outside world (and all the hustle, hassle, and craziness) to the sanctuary of your home.

The more clutter, damaged items, and things in disrepair you have around these doors—the more you’re already bringing yourself down before you’ve even entered your home. Why do that? Why not feel a rush of calm, happiness, and pleasure when you walk into your home?

In the short (6 mins) video below, I'll walk you through a quick history of the approach to our homes, what to watch out for, and what things need to be addressed STAT.

Look for a new video each week, getting into more detail about what to do--and HOW to do it--to create an entryway(s) that you LOVE!

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