The BEST way to clear crappy energy from your home.

There are times when you need a BIG shift in your home--after someone has been sick, had an anxiety attack, gotten bad news, had a fight. 

When those sorts of things happen, my go-to technique is charging.

I only pull this one out on occasion, but—to me—it literally feels like it changes the ionic charge in my house (like after a powerful rain storm).  It’s really powerful, but it’s also the most dangerous.  So, this goes without saying, but be very cautious when doing this.

Also, be very intentional.  This is one to do after a few moments of silence, after you’ve taken a few deep breaths and set your intentions.  You can do this as a family, but please guide everyone in determining what their goals are in this ceremony.

I promise it will lighten the mood in your home!  And I hope it will bring fun and laughter in!


The ingredients:

  • (Small) pot with lid (will get some smoke residue, but should wash off)

  • Epson salt

  • Rubbing alcohol

  • Match/lighter

The steps:

  1. Line the bottom of pan with Epson salt.  As with all the ingredients, the more you add, the bigger/longer this will burn.  So better to start with too little, and have to replenish supplies.

  2. Cover the Epson salt with rubbing alcohol (start with just a little!)

  3. With the lid nearby, and an oven mitt to hold the handle of the pot, light the rubbing alcohol.

  4. Using the lid to control the flame, walk the pot through each room in a manner similar to smudging—walk the perimeter of the room, hold the pot in each corner, across doorways, and anywhere else energy gets “stuck.”

  5. Speak out loud what you are expelling from your home (sickness, anxiety, anger, etc.) and what you are calling in (security, fun, good health, etc.)

  6. If your pot burns out before you are done with each room, replenish it.  If you have completed walking through your house and there is more left to burn, place on your stove and speak more intentions/visualize how you want your house to feel until it burns out.

  7. Once it’s all done, you should have burnt, kinda oily salt—which you can toss.  Wipe down the smokey residue from your pot with a towel/paper towel, then wash as normal.  It should be clean of any dark soot.

  8. Celebrate—have a dance party, sing at the top of your lungs, throw open your doors and windows —whatever moves you!